Best And Worst Slot Machines

Amaya slots are by far and away the worst slot machines for payouts with a 92% RTP average (more on that later). NetEnt make the most player friendly slot games averaging a 96.51% payout percentage. The majority of companies are within 1% of each other setting an online industry standard of about 95% for slot payouts. But while the $0.99 shrimp cocktails and classic coin-in pull-lever slot machines offer a certain sense of nostalgia, Golden Gate’s slot menu gooses its owner’s bottom line with a regrettable 90.64 percent payback rate on slots. Slot machines are cool for certain players, but not all slots are created equally. 6/5 Blackjack You probably also noticed that blackjack made the top spot on my list of the best games in the casino.
Best And Worst Slot Machines To Win

The Best and the Worst Slot Machine LocationsWhen you walk through casino doors, the first thing you usually notice are the slot machines. They come with dazzling lights and wonderful display to attract players. Looking at the hundreds of slot machines you find in a casino, one usually asks how can we ever tell which slot machine to play on. The term loose slot machine usually comes to mind when looking for a great machine to play on. Smart slot players will not pick just any machine. These players will know both the best and the worst slot machine locations. They will accordingly play in locations that are sure to bring in better results for every slot session. Elevated carousels are the best locations you can find for slot machines. These machines are really visible and there is a reason why this is so. More players will be tempted to try their luck on slot machines after seeing one player walk away with a lot of winnings. If you're into slot machines, then this location should be your first destination. The next best location you should check out is where the change booths are. It is interesting that casinos will have slot machines in this location. Change booths will usually have a line of players. Strategically placing loose slot machines is an invitation for these players to get more coins and be the next guy celebrating a good win. The third best location of slot machines is the area close to coffee shops or cafes. The strategy is simple: get the people to hurry up eating and play more because they will usually see other players winning. There are slot machines placed on locations that players should avoid. The first location, which may be the worst one, is near the table games and the table games exit. The idea is that players at the tables do not want to be distracted. Thus, you won't hear slot machines in this location to ring out loudly announcing your jackpot. If you're asking why they put slot machines there, the reason is that table players getting up casually put coins in those machines just for the fun of it. Casinos would want to take as much as any player would simply just give away. Another location you should avoid is the area where patrons bet on sporting events. The logic behind placing tight slot machines there is the same as for those in the table games area. Being able to tell the best and the worst slot machine locations in a casino will work profitably for any player. With that, you can tell which slot machines you should play on. |