Casino Side Effects

The negative effects of gambling can destroy the entire family. What starts as fun at the casino, or a night out with the boys becomes a living nightmare. Lies, manipulation, lack of trust – and after it's over -- remorse -- all the promises Never to do it again…..until the next time.

This is similar to all addictions, but with gambling, you can hide it.

You can’t see the gambling in their eyes or smell it on their breath so the problem is often only discovered in a crisis.

Besides losing $$$ here are other negative effects of gambling

For the addict:

Mental health issues – depression, anxiety, diminished self-esteem, increased alcohol, drugs, suicidal thought and even suicide.

Gambling side effects

In a similar study, Lorenz and Yaffee (1988) found that the spouses of pathological gamblers suffered from chronic or severe headaches, stomach problems, dizziness, and breathing difficulties, in addition to emotional problems of anger, depression, and isolation. Dairy casein has been linked to inflammation, cancer and allergic reactions. Some studies, though, show that it may protect against diabetes and weight gain. The negative effects of gambling can destroy the entire family. What starts as fun at the casino, or a night out with the boys becomes a living nightmare. Lies, manipulation, lack of trust – and after it's over - remorse - all the promises Neverto do it again.until the next time. The main negative impacts include the consuming on public services, like sewers and road maintenance, and the costs of increased crime prevention in casino neighborhoods and even in adjacent communities. In other word, the negative impacts are related to the economic carrying capacity of the region relative to the size of the new casino.

Physical health problems –insomnia, headaches, back or neck pain, stomach upset and numerous other ailments.

Self-care –not eating right, poor sleep habits, personal hygiene etc.

Social issues – arguments, relationship issues, alienation, separation, divorce, physical or mental abuse etc.

Financial problems – job loss, pressure of debt and paying loans and bills, bankruptcy.

Legal problems – theft, fraud, arrests, jail.

School/work problems – absenteeism, decreased productivity, lack of interest.

If you are living with an addict or are related to one, I’m sure you can add to this list.

The addict puts the family in financial crisis. This is a huge burden and the negative effects of gambling can lead to ongoing debt and losing your house.

There's financial pressure as well as emotional pressure:

Lying covering up and making excuses for his/her behavior.

Mental health problems anxiety, depression, anger, resentment, embarrassment, exhaustion and self doubt.

Physical problems insomnia, ulcers, digestive problems, headaches, neck and back pain and other stress-related health problems.

Self-esteem issues feeling of helplessness, insecurity, being overwhelmed and even feeling that they are responsible.

Relationship problems (as if I had to tell you this right?)

Role reversalchildren taking care of parents, parents overprotecting their children, partners performing all of the household tasks that they previously shared, lack of sexual and emotional intimacy.

Verbal and physical abuse this leads to continuous arguments, loneliness, separation and divorce.

Caring for yourself There may be so much focus on the gambler, family members may neglect themselves. I often tell my clients ‘you’re a person too’ and they seem surprised to hear it. There’s never any time for themselves.

Friends and co-workers also pay a price. They are manipulated into lending money. There’s the lying, covering up and making excuses for the gambler’s behavior. They may suffer verbal as well as physical abuse and even financial problems when they're money is not repaid.

Help is available and even recovery. There are help lines that are open for immediate crisis. Gamblers Anonymous provides support and you may even be able to get financial counseling.

There are inexpensive rehabs that specialize in this addiction. These are often funded by the government, “to help” with the problem. But they don’t contribute anywhere close to the amount of funds that they make from this addiction. And then there are specialists such as myself whom you can consult.

Are you in denial or are enabling a gambler?

Are you enabling a gambler. Enabling is not helping

Gambling on line is another addiction and on-line gambling can become a

computer addiction

If you feel desperate, counseling, coaching or a consultation can be a invaluable.

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Casino Side Effects

Go from Negative effects of gambling to Stop being addicted

(Source: Responsible Gambling Council)

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The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted much of everyday life and sent the United States economy hurtling toward a recession.

Gambling Side Effects

In a matter of days, the intensifying coronavirus outbreak — and its unprecedented economic fallout — triggered huge shutdowns within the casino industry. All Nevada casinos have been ordered closed, sidelining blackjack players, including card counters and other advantage players. Other state governments have ordered closures; the list is growing by the hour.

The public health crisis is grinding the U.S. economy to a slow crawl, upending entire industries — from sports to travel to entertainment — and sparking layoffs across the country. Consumer spending has plummeted as people increasingly steer clear of restaurants, shopping centers and even their own workplaces to mitigate the spread of the highly contagious virus, which has killed thousands of people worldwide and been detected in dozens of countries and every state except West Virginia, as of this writing.

With many of the nation’s biggest attractions closing because of the pandemic, it is unclear how much longer the casino industry, which supports 1.8 million jobs, can hold out. A prolonged shutdown could have long-lasting effects in Las Vegas and Atlantic City, where the industry is a large regional employer and a top economic engine in those communities and their states.

Before Sunday’s announcement about MGM’s Las Vegas properties, the company had already started furloughs and layoffs, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported. Several MGM employees tested positive for the coronavirus, according to a letter to workers obtained by Las Vegas media outlets.

Massachusetts also closed all of its casinos. Regulators there said that all three would go dark for at least two weeks. The Illinois Gaming Board ordered the state’s ten casinos to close for two weeks. Other gambling centers are closing each day. Extensions of time to remain closed are a possibility in two weeks, according to government officials.

“The only other time I’ve heard about a casino closing is when it has caught on fire,” a patron said.

Culinary Union contracts protect 60,000 workers in Las Vegas. Those agreements already stipulate that when business returns to some semblance of normalcy, workers will return to their jobs by seniority.


David Schwartz, an expert on gambling and casinos at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, said the effect on the casino industry will ripple through local economies, state budgets and anyone whose livelihood relies on hotels, clubs, gambling, food services and entertainment.

However, even after the pandemic is contained, it’s hard to say how quickly casinos will bounce back. It might take years, as it did in some areas after the recession of a decade ago. Some never recovered.

“A lot depends on what the economy is going to look like,” Schwartz said. “First, you have to have the physical ability to go to a casino, and you have to have the time and the income. So if you take away one of those, it becomes more problematic.”

Time will tell.


'All bets are off: Casinos grind to a halt over coronavirus', Rachel Siegel,, March 16, 2020


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